Johannis Challis  S-1594
B: 1534 ENG
Ivon Challis  S-1586
B: 1570 ENG
D: 1630 ENg

Mariae         S-1595
B:1536 ENG
John Challis    S-1578
B: 1584 ENG
D: 10 Sep 1648 ENG
William Bailey   S-1596
B: 1545 ENG
D: 16 Feb 1608 ENG
Elizabeth Baily   S-1587
B: 1574 ENG
D: 1640 ENG
Mary Fellows   S-1597
B: 1552 ENG
D: 1612 ENG
Philip W Challis  S-1566
B: 1617 ENG
D: 1681 MA


John Watson   S-1588
B: 1556 ENG
D: 14 May 1619 ENG

Elizabeth Watson  S-1579
B: 29 Sep 1584 ENG
D: 1638 VA


Elizabeth Halls   S-1589
B: 1556 ENG
D: 27 Mar 1620 ENG

John Challis   S-1560
B: 1672 MA 
D: 23 Mar 17471 MA
Hugh Sargent    S-1602
B: 1530 ENG
D: 23 Feb 1595 ENG
Richard Sargent   S-1590  
B: 1575 ENG
D: 1675 ENG
Margaret Gifford    S-1603
B: 1532 ENG
D: 28 Feb 1595 ENG
William Sargent   S-1580
B: 28 Jul 1606 ENG
D: 13 Apr 1675 MA
George Stevens   S-1604
B: 1550 ENG
D: 24 Apr 1574 ENG
Katherine Stevens    S-1591
B: 1580 ENG
D: 26 Mar 1609 ENG

Mary Sargent   S-1567
B: 27 Sep 1634 MA
D: 27 Sep 1716 MA
Henry Perkins  S-1606
B: 1555 ENG
D: 5 Apr 1608 ENG
John Perkins   S-1592
B: 23 Dec 1583 ENG
D: 23 Sep 1654 MA
Elizabeth Sawbridge  S-14607
B: 1564 ENG
D: 1603 ENG
Elizabeth Perkins   S-1581
B: 31 Mar 1611 ENG
D: 18 Sep 1670 MA
Michael Gater  S-1608
B: 1552 ENG
D: 1624 ENG
Judith Gater   S-1593
B: 1600 ENG
D: 1684 MA

Look in the first column to find the first person in this tree. Click on name of ancestor to find information available for that person. At the last name in the last column, if I have names and info going further back, you may click on the arrow and it will link you to the next tree in their line of ancestors.